An 80-foot Long Journey: KCAI's 2024 Rail Day
Date & Time
April 24, 2024 @ noon
Jannes Library
Can a Kansas City Art Institute illustration student build a vehicle out of cardboard and glue, climb on and drive it down an 80-foot long wooden rail? Find out at the KCAI’s annual Rail Day.
Students from Professor Steve Mayse’s, John Ferry’s and Frank Norfleet’s Image and Form Exploration and Analytical Drawing Systems class create the vehicles out of cardboard and glue then they attempt to ride down the 80-foot long 2x4 inch, 18-inch high rail. The vehicles must withstand the student’s weight and move forward with the help of a team of two or more students for balance. Past examples of these unique vehicles include a lit cigarette, a red dragon, and a Pac Man.