Laura Foster Nicholson ('76 Fiber & Design)
Laura Foster Nicholson is a textile artist known for her handwoven tapestries. With a BFA from Kansas City Art Institute and and MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art, she has lectured, taught, and exhibited in the US, Canada and Italy. Her artwork is in several museum collections, including the Art Institute of Chicago, The Minneapolis Institute of Art, and the Denver Art Museum among others. Grants & awards include an NEA fellowship, the Leone di Pietra prize at the Venice Biennale of Architecture, three Illinois Arts Council fellowships, and a grant from the Graham Foundation for Research in the Fine Arts.
Laura owns LFN Textiles, designing ribbons and household textiles, for companies such as Renaissance Ribbons, Crate & Barrel, Land of Nod, Monticello, Larsen, Inc. & others. She also writes about color and color trending for Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot, and for Pantoneview.com.