2024 End of Semester Exhibition & Sale Approaching, Dec. 6-8
During this free event, the public can visit each studio on campus and purchase one-of-a-kind art made by KCAI students. All proceeds go to the individual student artists and designers.
Friday, December 6 | 5–8PM
Saturday, December 7 | 10AM–5PM
Sunday, December 8 | 12–5PM
Leading up to the End of Semester Exhibition & Sale, students will focus on completing some of their most ambitious projects before breaking down their work spaces and converting them into gallery spaces.
While the process is not uniform across campus - a goal of the event is to put forward a professional exhibition mirroring what artists experience post-graduation.
Throughout the End of Semester Exhibition & Sale, student artists will be in these spaces to engage in conversation, answer questions, and be helpful in the purchasing process.
Individual departments will have credit card readers. Viewers can expect to see a wide range of art - with smaller pieces available for purchase alongside some of the larger installations and performances.
For example, the Sculpture Department will also feature a pop-up shop featuring a wide range of smaller objects. Jill Downen - Chair of Sculpture - warned that people coming to campus will likely not be able to see every departments' offerings in one day.
"End of Semester Exhibitions are multi-faceted. They provide the students and the audience with the opportunity to see finished work in a very professional context. The exhibition is professional practice. It's teaching students how to connect with visitors and share their ideas, passion, and creativity," Downen said.
Animation, Ceramics, Fiber, Filmmaking, Foundation, Graphic Design, Illustration, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Product Design, Sculpture, Social Practice will all be participating - alongside more KCAI departments including KCAI Gallery, Artspace, Central Shop, and Beals Studios.
Most student work in exhibition spaces will remain in place through the entirety of the event. Pick-up arrangements are made at time of sale. The process is not standardized across departments.
Event will be held on-campus at:
4415 Warwick Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64111